In terms of triumph, tragedy and longevity, few social and legal issues can match the Gun Rights debate. Rather than analyzing the merits of both sides of this long-standing issue, I will focus on the foundation of the Gun Rights debate, place it in the current context of personal security, and conclude with some thoughts on personal actions available to you.
The Gun Rights Debate
The Gun Rights debate traces its roots back to the ratification of the
U.S. Constitution in 1788. The original Constitution focused on
establishing and delineating the powers of our three branches of
government (executive, legislative and judicial), but made no specific
mention of gun rights. Over two hundred years of hindsight make the
ratification process seem clean and straight-forward. However,
Federalist and Anti-Federalist factions hotly debated each and every
issue within the document. As a result, the Constitution was founded on
extraordinary compromise, but many issues were left unresolved. In
order to get the Constitution ratified in 1788, the framers agreed that
the document was a foundational “start” to the process, but would
continue debates on contentious issues that would be amended at a later
date. In 1791, the first 10 amendments were encapsulated into the Bill
of Rights. The Second Amendment,
stating: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a
free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
infringed,” was included in the Bill of Rights.
Since then, any number of events from the Civil War through the Cold War and
some of our current tragedies stress our
understanding of those 27 words. In general, there are three different
interpretations of the Second Amendment. The first interpretation
focuses on the initial clause and believes that it only authorizes each
state the right to maintain a militia. The second interpretation
expands the viewpoint of the first by purporting that only individuals
who are part of a state militia may keep and bear arms. The third
interpretation strongly focuses in the words as written, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Today, these differing interpretations are adopted by the political parties that align themselves with their belief in which entity is most responsible for ensuring and providing public security. One extreme believes in a very powerful government that provides collective security supported by citizens who willingly submit individual rights to have their security provided for them. The other extreme believes in a limited government that provides only the level of security required to protect from external attack while ensuring the rule of law supported by those who believe in strong individual rights and the right to provide for one’s own security.
So, where do you fall within this continuum?
If there was ever a metric that was hard to define, it is “American
Popular Opinion.” From our country’s foundation through the current
day, there have been extreme views and thousands of intermediate
variations on “what is right or what is the collective good?” In the
last 30 years, we have seen public or popular opinion in regard to gun
rights vacillate and even spike in relation to major events. While
lawful use of firearms in self-defense tends to be woefully
under-reported, unlawful use of firearms tends to be grossly
over-reported. In the wake of major events, parties on both extremes
entrench in their respective ideological positions while the flames are
fanned by an equally ideological media. The truth, of course, can be
found obscured somewhere in-between.
About Author – Howard Hall
Howard Hall “Range Master at Aegis Academy“
– has served for nearly 20 years in the Marine Corps. He has served as a
Platoon Commander, Company Commander, Battalion Executive Officer,
Regimental Operations Officer, and Battalion Commander. He has multiple
combat tours to include serving as a military transition team member in
Fallujah. He is an NRA Certified handgun instructor and holds numerous
Marine Corps training credentials. An active competitor in action pistol
(United States Practical Shooting Association), long range rifle (NRA
F-Class), and shotgun (Amateur Trapshooting Association, National Skeet
Shooting Association), Howard has earned numerous accolades and medaled
during DoD competitions with the 1911 platform in bulls-eye shooting.
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